Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sons of God

"And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!" So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God." Galatians 4:6-7

My hand is healing fast!

This past week has probably been my favorite week of project so far, both ministry wise and fun wise. Not only am I feeling 100% better, I was finally able to get my stitches out on Monday… and it feels so amazing! My hand is healing very rapidly, and I’m so thankful that my injury wasn’t worse. Vida Estudiantil on Monday was definitely the best one we’ve had so far. A Christian doctor spoke about depression, which is a very relevant topic to Uruguayos and one of our teammates shared a powerful testimony of how God has changed her life regarding depression. 107 people attended the meeting and 4 people prayed to receive Christ! Praise God for changing Uruguayo lives. Tuesday was my only day on campus for the week, but I was able to get into the best conversation I’ve had so far. Stephen and I did soularium (a set of pictures used to start spiritual conversations) with one of the friends we’d met at the Social Sciences faculty. We wound up talking to him for close to an hour and a half about the gospel and some of the reasons we believe its truth. He considers himself somewhere between Atheist and Agnostic, but was very open to talking with us and we hope to talk with him more in the future. On Tuesday I was able to meet with both Stephen and Barrett for discipleship, which I really enjoyed. That night I led bible study once again, and we talked about the significance of being called Sons of God and because of that Sonship we can call God Abba Father… or in other words Daddy or Papa. Since that bible study, I’ve consciously tried to call the Lord “Daddy” or replace the words God or Lord when I’m reading the bible with “Daddy” and I’ve experienced an even more intimate relationship with Him because of that. 
Our group enjoying the weather in Salto

Wednesday we packed up or bags and got on a bus headed north for Salto for our mid-project break. While in Salto, we ate some great meals, enjoyed much warmer weather, relaxed in thermal baths, and had some great team bonding time. It was a much needed and very enjoyable mid-project break. Saturday we spent the day at a small church in the country putting on a mini “VBS” for the children. We sang songs, did a bible lesson, and played games with these kids. I really enjoyed being able to show Christ’s love to these children, even for just one day. They were so happy that we were there! Today we went to a church service just around the block from our hotel, and afterwards a group of us went to a massive Sunday market. Tonight we have family time and team time, and tomorrow it’s back to a normal week of ministry. I can’t believe we are leaving in less than two weeks, but I definitely want to make the most of my time left here and let God use me however He wants! 

Hanging out with the kids

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