Sunday, June 3, 2012

Buenos momentos en Uruguay

7 men couldn't finish this massive plate of steak!
I could go on and on about every detail about this project so far, but I really want to highlight some of the best things that have happened this last week. Discipleship started this week and I was able to meet one-on-one with all three of my disciples and get to know them on a deeper level. I asked them questions about themselves and what their goals were for the summer. Each of the guys are so different from each other and have very different needs, but I am so excited to be a part of each the guys’ lives this summer and pour into them. “Discipleship without evangelism is just Christian counseling.”- that’s what my discipler told me this year. If we just get together and talk about life, and there is no evangelism or ministry happening outside of the discipleship meetings, then it can’t be called discipleship. 
My new friend Gabriel and I at the soccer outreach

With that said, I was able to go sharing with all three of the guys. Stephen and I were able to meet a guy named Fernando at the Catholic University. He was very open to talking with us about spiritual things. I asked him the question “On a scale from 0-100% how sure are you that you are going to heaven?” and he responded with just 70%. I told him that we knew how to be 100% sure that you're going to heaven, and I asked if he’d be willing to hear what we believed. Stephen and I went through the 4 spiritual laws with him, and he agreed with all of the points. Our conversation had to be cut short, but we hope to see him again another time! Barrett (another one of my disciples) and I were also at the Catholic University. We met two guys named Italo and Martin who we talked with for probably 30-45 minutes. We didn’t get to share the gospel with them, but we did obtain their contact information and we invited them to come to the Vida Estudiantil outreach meeting, which is tomorrow night! I really hope they come and I look forward to talking with them more. My third disciple, Erik, and I were at the University of Psychology on Thursday. Erik introduced me to some of the friends he had met previously, and they spoke nearly perfect English, which is very rare! We conversed for a while, and transitioned to a more spiritual conversation. Erik plans on meeting with one of the guys more, and looks forward to getting into more spiritual conversations. After meeting with Erik, I went sharing with one of the girls on our project. The two of us initiated a conversation with 3 students who were sitting down on some benches. They didn’t speak much English, and about 5 minutes into the conversation, the girl I was with left because she wasn’t feeling well. This was the first time that I carried on an entire spiritual conversation in Spanish, with no one else to back me up! Praise God that he worked through me and I was able to share the gospel with these 3 students. This summer God has been showing me that when I place complete trust in Him, He can use me. I just need to take a step of faith and let Him do the work because I have His Spirit inside of me! 
Some Uruguayan friends and I at Maycol's fiesta
A couple of other highlights from the week: Wednesday was our 1st outreach day, and the English club outreach at the Catholic University had over 60 students come to practice their English! The soccer outreach on Friday was a huge success, and my friend Jesse was able to share his testimony, and Andres was able to share the gospel with those who came. Yesterday, we were able to go to the Uruguay vs. Venezuela soccer game, which was a blast! The stadium was crazy, but it was so much fun. After the game, Maycol (one of the Vida Estudiantil students) had a birthday party. We ate lots of food, drank mate, and danced the night away! 

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”           Acts 1:8

A group of us at the Uruguay vs. Venezuela soccer game

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