Thursday, May 17, 2012

It's almost time!

Excitement, nervousness, uncertainty… these are all words that I could use to describe my emotions right now. In 3 days I will be on a plane headed for Montevideo, Uruguay. It’s been almost a year since I left for Orlando, FL for the Walt Disney World Summer Project 2011. God really moved in the lives of many students over that summer project, and I am really excited to serve Him on a mission project once again! Our team of around 20 will bring the hope that is only found in Jesus Christ to the lost college students in Montevideo. We will be going to college campuses 5 days a week looking to initiate spiritual conversations with the students we meet. Lord willing, we will be able to share the gospel with many of the students we meet, and I pray that they would see their need for Jesus Christ and give their lives to him. I will be a student staff member on this trip, which means that I have the privilege of serving a dual role as both a student and a leader. I will be leading a bible study, coaching a team, and discipling some of the guys going. I am really looking forward to pouring into the guys on the trip and getting to know them on a deeper level. Please pray for the whole team that God would provide the rest of the finances needed in order to make this trip happen, and for God to be preparing our hearts as well as the hearts of the Uruguayans for this summer. I’ll post another update once I’m in country!

In Christ,

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