Thursday, July 7, 2011


Every week God has shown up in so many ways. On Saturday we met as an entire project to find out which students would be taking on what leadership roles because the staff leaves mid-way through project. I was selected to be one of 4 project directors. I am so excited and yet nervous at the same time for this. Leading a summer project is something that can only be done by depending on God. God has been teaching me so much this summer on how a leader should be. In the past I’ve always seen leaders as people who have it all together and seem like they are on a higher spiritual level. The very first week of my summer, that image of leadership in my mind was drastically changed. My discipler, Phillip, was so open and vulnerable in our soul-to-soul time. By sharing his story with us, it was so much easier to relate to him and his struggles. I look up to him so much more for sharing all of his junk with us than if he seemed like he just had it all together. That’s what I want to be as a director this summer. The staff directors even told us that they didn’t choose us because we are more spiritual or have it all together, they chose us because of our openness and vulnerability. I want to continue to be open and vulnerable as I help lead this project. I’ve also been learning about Christ’s ultimate example of leadership. He was a servant, and he humbled himself. As I lead this project with 3 other students, our goal should be to serve the students on project and glorify God! I am so excited for our leadership team because the 4 of us are so different in our gifts and abilities, but we complement each other and get along so well. Ultimately this isn’t about us at all, but it’s about what God is going to do this summer and knowing that it’s a lot easier to step into this type of role. At work on Saturday night, my friend Simon from Colombia (the one who I mentioned before who has felt such distance from God since being in the U.S.) and I talked for a long time as he was leaving work. We talked about hanging out more and he said he was going to come visit me in Minnesota and that I should come to Colombia! That night a bunch of us went to IHOP after work. We invited our friend Romain from France and got to get into a great conversation with him. He asked us why we didn’t live in the normal Disney housing and we told him we were with a Christian organization called Campus Crusade for Christ. He said he hadn’t been to church in over 2 years. He really wants to come to church with us sometime!

At church on Sunday, the pastor talked on how the Jewish authorities rejected Jesus’ authority and how that relates to the way we are today. Even as Christians, we reject Jesus anytime we sin. I reject Jesus so many ways in my life and it is so evident that I am in desperate need of a Savior! Later that afternoon, Danny and I met with our friend Tyler and continued talking about spiritual things. I was able to share my testimony more and the way God has transformed my life and how my views of God have changed. Meeting with Tyler has been a huge challenge and an opportunity for growth for me because I have never had an atheist friend before and he asks a lot of questions, many of which I don’t know the answer to. Ultimately though, no matter how smart I sound or how much I know it’s only God who will change his heart and the gospel is what is the power of God unto salvation! Work went well that night, even though it was extremely busy being the day before the 4th of July.

On Monday, we had bible study and we continued talking on Ephesians. It was the first student-led bible study and it was really encouraging to see my friends step up and lead. Later I met with my discipler for the last time to go over a vision plan. He made a binder with all the strengths He sees in me, as well as areas I need to work on. It was pretty sweet and the nicest thing a discipler has ever done for me. I look up to Phil so much, and I’m really going to miss having him around. Monday night was another good night of work. I washed trays like I do almost every day, which is awesome because it’s my favorite job to do. We didn’t get to see the 4th of July fireworks, but we did get to hear them, so I guess that’s okay. After work on Monday, we went to Steak N Shake. Some friends from work came. One of them is mormon, and we got into a good conversation on just what she believes, and I’m praying God continues to give us open doors so we can continue to share the gospel with her. One of my other friends, Alex from Minnesota and I got into a good conversation and he shared with me a little bit of his involvement with cru back at his school in Wisconsin. It was a really fun night!

Tuesday morning we had prayer and share time and Phillip and I got to go sharing together one last time. We talked to a lady from England who was a solid believer and we got to share a booklet on the Holy Spirit called satisfied. After that we talked to a young boy about 14, and went through a survey. When we asked his desire to know God he said a 6. We asked him if he would like to read a booklet called Knowing God personally. He said yes and by the end he indicated that He wanted to trust in Christ! This same kid earlier answered that he had never thought about God or what happens after death. God is so good and provides people all the time that are ready to hear the gospel, we just need to step out in faith and do it! Tuesday was my day off, so several of us went to the theme parks, along with Phil since he had an extra pass to use before he left. It was great to be able to hangout and relax and spend the day with Phil. That night I picked up Simon from work and we went to Applebee’s for half-off apps. We continued talking about spiritual things and I got to share the satisfied booklet with him on the Holy Spirit, afterwards he asked if he could keep it and that he would read it again!

Wednesday morning we took our project picture with all of our costumes. Afterwards he had one last meeting with the staff and talked about conflict resolution. Then I went to pick up Simon, and the rest of the afternoon we did a relay race with the whole project then hungout and relaxed. Several friends from work came, and it was so awesome to see the fruit of what we’re doing finally here. That night was our mid-project banquet. It was so bittersweet. We shared stories of what God has done, especially at work. I shared the story of how I met a guy from work, and randomly sat by him in the break room one day and he told me he was a Christian. I also said that we hungout and he said he had been feeling very distant from God since he’s been here. I then shared that that friend was Simon and that he was sitting right next to me. It was so emotional because Simon was crying as I was talking, and I teared up to. I am so thankful to the Lord for providing the friendship with Simon (he is in the picture with me above). We also said our goodbyes to the staff who would be leaving the next morning. My friend Derek, from my soul-to-soul group shared how much Phil had meant to him and his walk with Christ and crying. I began to tear up as he shared about our time with Phil that first week and how it really set the tone for an awesome summer. Later we all went back to the resort and hungout.

This morning was our first day without staff, and my friend Chad lead our men’s time. I already feel our unity increasing on project, especially over the last day, and I am so excited to see what God continues to do here this summer.


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