Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Freshman year

Freshman year turned out to be amazing. As you probably know already, I went to St. Cloud State University here in Minnesota. During my senior year of high school, I did something called PSEO at Winona State University. That means I took college classes while getting duel credit for both high school and college. While attending Winona, I got involved with a Christian organization called InterVarsity. I made a lot of good friends, and had a lot of fun being a part of it. When I started school at St. Cloud I knew they had something called Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ) so I thought I'd check it out. I got involved right away with the worship team, made a lot of friends, and grew tremendously in my walk with the Lord. He put a new desire in my heart to follow after Him that I had never had before. As for my schoolwork, first semester wasn't the greatest. I came to St. Cloud planning to major in Meteorology, but that changed after first semester. I am currently a Travel/Tourism major with a minor in business management. Second semesters grades seem to be pretty good so far, but they aren't all listed yet.

I took my last final last Wednesday, and so far summer has been pretty relaxing. I spent the first few days in St. Cloud staying with some friends. I've been home in Winona for the past few days, and I've really enjoyed spending time with my mom. On Thursday we are heading to Chicago for the weekend, and I'm really looking forward to that. Next Thursday I'll be heading back up to St. Cloud and staying with my friends for a few days, and on the 26th I'll be heading for Baltimore, MD for a christian conference. I'm really excited for some spiritual growth. After that I'll be moving into my house which will be shared with 10 other guys! It should be pretty sweet. Most of June and July will be spent working at Walgreens and Hollister. I have been blessed with an opportunity to go to Nicaragua in August with my church, so I'm also really looking forward to serving there.


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