Saturday, September 28, 2013

Learning Something New Everyday

          The last time I posted anything on this blog was right after I left Uruguay last year, and now I’m back. A lot of things had to happen in order for me to come back, and the Lord was so faithful in the process of leading me back to Uruguay. 
      What I’m doing this time is called a STINT, which stands for short-term international intern. I’m working with Cru here, which is called Vida Estudiantil. Most of you probably know that already, so I want to share a little bit about life here so far and what I’ve been learning.

        First of all, my patience has been tested almost EVERY day. It’s been really hard for me, but also one of the best things for me. Everything here happens at a slower pace. I don’t have the opportunity to hop in my car and get from point A to point B like I used to be able to. Here, the process includes walking to the bus stop, figuring out which bus to take, taking the bus, etc. Also, EVERYONE is late here to EVERYTHING. For example, one of my friends had a birthday party the other night, which was supposed to start at 9. Most people showed up at 10, and were still early! The biggest test of patience was waiting to move into an apartment. We moved into our apartment about 5 weeks after arriving. I assumed it would take a week or so, but I sure was wrong. The cool thing is that I am becoming okay with the pace of life here, and I’m starting to really enjoy it. I feel much more relaxed and less stressed here than I did in the States.

It feels like a combination of Europe and Latin America, with numerous plazas, coffee shops, and a very rich culture.

The food here is pretty good, however there are about a total of 5 choices…. Chivitos, empanadas, milanesa, mcdonald’s, or pizza. I’ve probably been to Mcdonald’s 20 times since I’ve gotten here. However, the most famous Uruguayan food is called Asado (barbecue), which is delicious!

I LOVE THE PEOPLE. Relationships are so important here. Everyone is really friendly, and once you’re their friend they are extremely loyal, and I love that.  Also, everyone is included so much more than they are in the States, and I think that’s the way Jesus was. He reached out to every person He possibly could, and showed them genuine love.

They are absolutely crazy about soccer here... or should I say fĂștbol!

It’s considered one of the safest places in Latin America, however I don’t feel as safe as I thought I would. People are robbed pretty often, and I don’t like the fact that I constantly have to be watching the people around me and be careful about which streets I walk on at night.

Okay, so I know that doesn’t describe everything, but I definitely plan on sharing more as the year progresses and as I learn more about this country that is so close to my heart.