Monday, March 12, 2012

Big Break PCB

Wow... words can't describe what I experienced at Big Break this year. The best description I can come up with is Summer Project condensed into one week. About 13 of us went from St. Cloud, and we were with over 1,000 other Cru students from around the country. Big Break is a week long conference/mission trip that equips and trains students to share their faith. We were not only equipped and trained, but given numerous opportunities to do evangelism. Panama City Beach, Florida is the #1 Spring Break party destination in the U.S. for college students. Being able to go with 1,000 other students with the purpose of sharing the gospel with these lost students was amazing! Each day we learned how to use different tools. The first day we just learned to listen and ask questions. The next day we used a card called "Beer is proof" which brought up some really interesting conversations. Day 3 consisted of using the perspective cards which are great to use with people from other worldviews. The last day we used soularium, which is my personal favorite tool. It is a set of about 50 pictures that you use to ask people where they are at on their spiritual journey. I love it because it is really easy for people to answer the questions and explain what they think the pictures mean. At the end, if they are willing you get to share what you believe, through pictures. I got into several great conversations over the week, but my personal favorite had to be when I was with a couple of friends walking back towards the resort. We were walking along the beach, when we noticed an Iphone laying in the sand. After some phone tag, we met up with the guy who lost his phone. After we introduced ourselves and told them why we were in PCB, we asked if they'd be willing to hear how we believe you can be completely assured of spending eternity in heaven we sat down and shared the KGP (knowing God personally) booklet. At the end of the booklet, there is a prayer if a person wants to surrender their life completely to Christ. Derek, a friend of the guy who lost his phone, said this prayer expressed his heart's desire! He planned on praying it later that day. It wasn't by accident that we found that phone. God was so evident all week and I'm so thankful that I was able to go and experience Him and be refreshed in my walk with Him. I have come back to campus with a new passion to share Christ with my friends who don't know him!
God bless,