Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Out West

What an amazing year it has been. I have seen the Lord work in so many awesome ways this school year. I finished finals on Thursday last week and on Saturday I headed West. I am spending the next couple of weeks in Olympia, Washington with my family. My grandma is getting weaker and weaker so that had a lot to do with my mom and I coming out here. I have been doing a lot of reading, eating, and good old lounging around. It is so green here. It rains almost every day. Today was the first day we had almost no clouds in the sky, and it was great except for the fact I was stuck indoors all day today. I am praying every day for my family here, that God would soften their hearts and that they would be transformed by the gospel. I am praying that the Lord would use me to represent Jesus Christ in the best way possible to them. I love relaxing, but after the next several days I'll be ready to head down to Florida!

I leave for summer project 3 weeks from today, and I am getting more and more excited every day. I have seen God provide in so many ways so far. My goal is to raise close to $3,000 and I have seen over $2,000 come in so far. I am praying that God continues to provide like He has. Peace out!